Friday, December 01, 2006

Week 3: 15 - 22 October 2006: Uganda/Kenya

For the first couple of days we just headed back the same route we had come until we arrived at Jinja - The source of the Nile River.
We quad biked the first day and then did a whole day rafting on the White Nile with 7 of us in the raft plus 1 guide. After a few training rapids we headed off to the main ones, there were 12 of these ranging in grade from 3 to 5 with 1 grade 6 rapid (too big to commercially raft) which we walked around. The first few rapids our guide tried (and failed) to flip us out of the raft, but it wassn't long before we were flipping without his 'help'. The best/worst (depending on your outlook) rapid of the day for us was a waterfall which you had to paddle accross the face of the rapid to reach. Only 2 rafts managed to get to the waterfall, we were all pumped at the top until our raft drifted around and our guide said "We are going over the waterfall... backwards...". Our raft teetered on the top before gracefully sliding over the edge and dropping the 4-5 metres to bounce rather hard and remarkably pop back up the right way with all people still aboard. All was were well except Suz who, although not confirmed, probably had a broken rib.
We had another day in Jinja nursing wounds and hangovers before heading back to Nairobi in Kenya. We stopped at a Giraffes Sanctuary for the endangered Rothschild 'White Socked' Giraffe, where we were able to feed then by hand from a raised platform, they even took food out of your mouth which was fun but also extremely wet!


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