Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Knights of Columbus that hurts (Ron Burgandy - Anchorman)

Well - we have arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia a province which although it looks small on any map of Canada is actually the size of England. We have spent the first few days looking around the town which is a great little harbour town of roughly 500,000 people population. The weather has been fantastic but the overnight fog off of the Atlantic is as thick as pea soup so everyday looks overcast until about midday when the sun finally burns through. Things of note, this was pretty much the closest port of call to where the Titanic sank and thus has a cemetary and various tributes designated to the unfortunates who passed. The flag looks like Scotlands only White with a Blue Cross. It has a military tatoo not unlike Edinburghs which they claim (in true North American fashion) is the 'biggest and best' indoor show in the world - nothing like a little modesty. Lastly 'Knights of Columbus' a group recently brought back to life by the movie Anchorman and the character Ron Burgandy actually arose here from a branch of the Knights Templar - maybe that grail is around here somewhere.


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